No, Disneyland is not moving to Texas from California

Disneyland tagged as the happiest place on the earth has been part of the rumors since very long. This time the rumors were going around on the internet claming that Disneyland will be moving to Texas from California.
Disneyland has been part of California since last 65 years and it won’t be moving to Texas at least not for now.
The rumors started spreading after a statistical news portal ‘Uncle Walt’s Insider’ published a article titles ‘BREAKING: Disneyland is abandoning California, moving to Texas.’
The article claimed that Disney spokesperson Jun Disney confirmed Disneyland’s move to Texas and quoted her,
“We’ve been looking at the numbers for quite some time, obviously, we’d prefer to keep the park in the same spot Walt built it. But lately it’s become clear that it makes more financial sense to move to Texas. After all, we don’t pay our Cast Members enough to actually live in California, so a lot of them have already fled to Texas.“
The article was intended to bring people attention to the down going business of Disneyland due to COVID and their cast members not being paid fairly.
Disneyland in Anaheim, California was inaugurated on July 17, 1955 and was built under the supervision of the founder of Disneyland Walt Disney himself.
About the publisher Uncle Walt’s Insider
Uncle Walt’s Insider is a satire new publisher and they have clearly mentioned it in their banner.

Some readers believed, Disneyland moving to Texas hoax and shared the article on the Facebook
The publisher also runs a Facebook page with over 1600 followers. Some users were unable to figure out the satire part of it and believed the hoax.
One user name Roberto Beto Paredes Sanchez said “That’s a great a Idea all the turist will come more to taxas because we have everything in our state TEXAS BUT Dallas with be a great place to move.”

While some believed the satire but many of the reader immediately knew it was a fake news and was just meant for fun and entertainment.